Friday, November 30, 2012

Calmed Down

So the day started out crazy and stressful but it has since calmed down, it could possibly be because of the half Margarita I had or just having a SEMI peaceful day.

My boy drive me crazy there is no way around it but they are also VERY sweet. They might not pick up their toys right away but when Micah gets into it he cleans until the job is DONE and then gets after his brothers to do that same. and he is SOOO polite gosh I love that kid, he is always saying thank you for EVERYTHING. Thank you for taking me or us to preschool mommy, it's lots of fun. Or thank you for this dinner mommy it's real yummy. Just melts my heart. He is also teaching his brothers to do the same. Very rarely does Jonah ask for something without saying please and then follows with a thank you. Riah is pretty good about it too.

Tonight i was dropping the boys off with Tom's parents and grandma for them to keep them for the night so I could have a VERY needed girls night. and Riah was snuggled into Nana and Jonah was snuggled into Grandpa and Micah came over and gave me a big hug and then kissed me and said boy germs and repeated LOL he is so funny. They are just such sweet boys.

Micah has started this head tilting thing it's funny and annoying all at the same time cause he talks while he tilts his head back and forth.

Jonah is continuing to talk up a storm and LOVES to talk to daddies pic on my phone, I love it and hate it all at the same time but mostly I am just THRILLED that he's not forgetting who daddy is because of that picture.

Riah is cuddly as ever and he is learning a lot right now. He is learning his ABC's and he was able to find Micah's sticker card at preschool on his own and his too, his teacher and I were VERY impressed. and he's also learning his colors.

I had a rough week as my last post suggested or just flat out said. But at the end of the day I am GRATEFUL that I have my boys to keep me company and keep me on my toes. Tom isn't here but he left me with 3 mini's to take his place for a short while.

I got another letter from Tom. he wrote on tiny notebook paper front and back 12 pages, made my day for him to take that much time to write me :)

I also had a GREAT friend remind me that I don't have to know WHY I'm so upset just that I am and that's enough and I don't have to explain it.

And the girls night with my incredible life group was a huge help too. It's so great to be REAL with friends and just have a good time drinking and pigging out.

God has really given me GREAT and AWESOME people to help me through this rough patch of being away from Tom, I couldn't be more thankful for that.

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