Saturday, January 26, 2013


of course pics will come later but just an update on the boys

Micah and Riah started back to preschool the beginning of Jan after Winter break. Riah seems to be learning quite a bit.. He knows his letters pretty well and can count to 20 with help.

Micah just blows my mind with how fast he can pick things up and how smart he really is.

My favorite quote from Riah was  I want to pick up the toys mama I REALLY do! this was said after I told him to pick up and he said no and I asked him if he'd like a time out. LOL

Riah loves to say oppa Gangnam Style while hit his lincoln log box like a drum LOL and of Course Jonah does it now too.

I got the boys hair cut a few weeks ago so they don't look like uncared for rag muffins anymore haha.

Jonah counted to 15 the other day ALL by himself. I about fell out of my chair.

OOOHHH and... I JUST found out because I decided to research it that Micah will be going to kindergarten in the FALL my baby starts school... i have VERY mixed feelings about this especially since it's ALL day kindergarten there. But the more I think about it, academically he is VERY ready, I told my mom the other day he's smarter than me LOL... I feel like it sometimes when he trys to reason with me.


This time apart has really   taken it toll on me especially since I was able to see Tom for Graduation.

He has done a WONDERFUL job of making me feel loved tho. A few weeks ago he sent me flowers out of the blue and today he sent me a cd. He said he thought of me when he heard a song the other day because we used to sing with it on the radio ALL the time in college, and so he sent me the cd and had me play and sing along with the song for him :) sorry for the run on sentence... I am quite tired but I wanted to remember this so I thought I'd blog about it.