Thursday, February 2, 2017

Back at it maybe.

I've had quite a few people telling me that I should write a blog so here's another attempt at it.

Today was fun and by fun I mean the opposite. I woke up ready to see my friends at bible study and slightly dreading having to take the dog to the vet when I hear in unison from Micah and Riah that Jonah is puking. Fantastic. So I cancel with my bible study which also cancels my babysitter during the vet trip. OK then. I get up expecting the worse quickly rehashing the next few days of plans because one goes down we all fall down ( thank you ring around the rosey) I start doing a mental inventory of what tummy bug staples we have while walking out to the living room and find Jonah now chowing down on a bowl of cereal acting perfectly fine. OK I take the other two to school and put the baby down before we start out on our days adventure. 30 mind til I wake the baby up and get the dog ready. Dog shakes the entire trip whatever I can deal. We get there I get the baby after I read snap him up because apparently 15 minutes in the car is too long to be fully clothed. OK Jonah puts the leash on the dog and off we go. We get in and there's another large dog waiting and coco takes it upon herself to wrap my legs up in her metal leash knocking me onto the chair. We get into the room get her shots she gets off the table and pees on the floor. Then the computter shuts down so we wait and wait and wait. Finally we get the still shaking dog back into the car. Get home eat lunch everyone goes down for a nap. I have a few moments of peace so I call my mom. Meanwhile the baby wakes up screaming. I find him once again un snapped and oozing yellow nastiness out of his diaper. I go to change him and half the wipes are dry. ( thank you non sealable wipes) I take the now naked other than a diaper baby to the living room where he proceeds to throw his entire bowl of goldfish at my head. More later. There's plenty of day left to go :/

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Texas part 2

When the boys and I arrived in Wichita Falls, Tom had everything ready to go for the apt and shortly after we arrived one of his buddies came and helped unload the car and set up the boys beds. We have amazing friends here and seem to gain more and more as time goes on. Tom gets to be here at the apt with us for a few hours each night but has a curfew during the week and then gets to stay the whole weekend which is GREAT. I've only freaked out on him a few times when I saw another person in the bed LOL. We found a GREAT church and have been regularly attending. I also go to a play group on base, the Library for story time and found a MOPS group. So we stay busy we also go to an indoor jump place once in a while which is fun for ALL even mommy ;) I went and learned how to make homemade tortillas this week and met some more Airforce wives. The bummer thing is that since Tom is in training we can't ALL get together as families because he's not supposed to hang out with higher ranks right now. Which can be annoying because all of the higher ranks are more my age and in my walk of life verses the teenagers that Tom can talk to. But the upside to having the younger guys and gals  around is that we never have a shortage of babysitters and our boys LOVE them. So that has been awesome. I also rather enjoy being in a bigger city and being able to make a last minute decision to go out to eat and it only takes 15 mins or so rather than 45 mins to go anywhere outside of Canon City. I dearly miss my washer and dryer and the convenience  of throwing a quick load in versus wondering did I get quarters? Is it nap time? are we leaving in the next 2 hours? Are their any machines open? Is it too windy? ( I don't appreciate my under wear flying across the parking lot) That is pretty much our life in a nut shell... more later... Might even add pics


Soo much for keeping up on my blogging LOL.. the past few months have been a whirl wind.

Tom and I decided to move me and boys down to Texas and that was quite the process.

I drove down by myself to bring 1 vehicle and look for a place to live while our AMAZING friends watched two of my monsters... 1 very long boring drive and an almost speeding tickets later( I was going a whole 2 mph over, stupid cop said I was going 12 over, didn't even know the stinking speed limit) I made it to Texas, how did I know? My mountains were NO where to be found.  After a whole day of looking at places that scared the living day lights out of me and finding one that I absolutely LOVED but the manager wouldn't show up to work go figure. I was at the end of my rope and a friend I was staying with said hey lets go look at this place, I've heard good things about it from other moms. So she dragged me ( almost literally) to this apartment complex and I talked to the manager. It was WAY cheaper than any of the other places I had looked at and it was quite a bit nicer than most also. I flew back home and began packing up my entire house ( not the greatest thing to do alone) 2 weeks later my Life Group helped me move everything into a storage unit and then a few days later I began my journey to get to Texas... had to Stop in GJ to pick up Jonah from Bonnie's house and be sick for an entire week and then after being a week late and a VERY long two days of driving we made it to TEXAS!  The boys didn't know what to do seeing daddy. I don't think they really believed he was back for a good week. now of course Micah has his schedule down to a T and will tell you when daddy gets to stay and when he doesn't at night time. Jonah has quickly warmed back up to him and he is now once again the favorite.

Saturday, January 26, 2013


of course pics will come later but just an update on the boys

Micah and Riah started back to preschool the beginning of Jan after Winter break. Riah seems to be learning quite a bit.. He knows his letters pretty well and can count to 20 with help.

Micah just blows my mind with how fast he can pick things up and how smart he really is.

My favorite quote from Riah was  I want to pick up the toys mama I REALLY do! this was said after I told him to pick up and he said no and I asked him if he'd like a time out. LOL

Riah loves to say oppa Gangnam Style while hit his lincoln log box like a drum LOL and of Course Jonah does it now too.

I got the boys hair cut a few weeks ago so they don't look like uncared for rag muffins anymore haha.

Jonah counted to 15 the other day ALL by himself. I about fell out of my chair.

OOOHHH and... I JUST found out because I decided to research it that Micah will be going to kindergarten in the FALL my baby starts school... i have VERY mixed feelings about this especially since it's ALL day kindergarten there. But the more I think about it, academically he is VERY ready, I told my mom the other day he's smarter than me LOL... I feel like it sometimes when he trys to reason with me.


This time apart has really   taken it toll on me especially since I was able to see Tom for Graduation.

He has done a WONDERFUL job of making me feel loved tho. A few weeks ago he sent me flowers out of the blue and today he sent me a cd. He said he thought of me when he heard a song the other day because we used to sing with it on the radio ALL the time in college, and so he sent me the cd and had me play and sing along with the song for him :) sorry for the run on sentence... I am quite tired but I wanted to remember this so I thought I'd blog about it.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Swabbing the Deck!

SO my boys may or may not watch a great deal of Disney in the morning while I am still getting my bearings for the day and one of their favs is "Jake and the never land pirates."  My loving father in law came over a few weeks past and helped me get my house back into showing condition after the WHOLE house got the nasty stomach bug. While he was mopping the floors Micah yelled out Grandpa your swabbing the deck! Grandpa got quite and chuckle of out it and thought he was really cute. Well the NEXT time Grandpa came over  ( it's been a weekly occurance)  to help me out with all of the GUY odd jobs around the house, Micah very excitedly said papa will you teach ME how to swab the deck? So Grandpa and Micah swabbed the deck in the kitchen and the bathroom and even Riah joined in a for a few turns. It was VERY cute and hey I didn't have to do it so that was also a nice plus. I have pictures but un fortunately left them in Pueblo so I will upload them at a later date.

Grandpa also hung up Christmas lights out side for us and worked on my poor looking Christmas tree a little too ( I'm not a huge fan of making the Christmas tree look like a tree) it's too much work.

Again more pics for a later date.

This past weekend Grandpa, grandma and nana ( Grandma's mom) kept the boys so I could have a much needed girls night out and then I went and stayed an extra night as well. It was really nice to see the boys with their very beloved Nana. Riah LOVES to get in her lap and snuggle and cover her in wet slobbery kisses ( he really get the job done, holds ya down and everything) and Micah is mostly just getting used to have two grandma's in the same house. And Jonah really likes having another grandma around to feed him 24/7 whatever he wants.

I WISH I had pics of this because Riah decided he wanted to help to Nana in the kitchen and he had a blast with it, she was SOO good and patient with him, I need to read a chapter of her book when it comes to that. The kitchen is MINE and my escape or at least it used to be when Tom was here so I could cook dinner every night. But I supposed to it wouldn't hurt to let the boys in on all the fun once in a while too :)

I got another letter from Tom, which was nice since he didn't get to call this weekend like he normally does. I just LOVE my letters from him, it totally makes my day. I also wrote him one in a spiral, it was fun to write and made me dizzy all at the same time, i didn't read it first to make sure he could follow my craziness tho, hopefully he'll figure it out.

Oh and like my new blog layout? that was courtesy of my big sis Jodi blog designer extraordinaire :)

Friday, November 30, 2012

Calmed Down

So the day started out crazy and stressful but it has since calmed down, it could possibly be because of the half Margarita I had or just having a SEMI peaceful day.

My boy drive me crazy there is no way around it but they are also VERY sweet. They might not pick up their toys right away but when Micah gets into it he cleans until the job is DONE and then gets after his brothers to do that same. and he is SOOO polite gosh I love that kid, he is always saying thank you for EVERYTHING. Thank you for taking me or us to preschool mommy, it's lots of fun. Or thank you for this dinner mommy it's real yummy. Just melts my heart. He is also teaching his brothers to do the same. Very rarely does Jonah ask for something without saying please and then follows with a thank you. Riah is pretty good about it too.

Tonight i was dropping the boys off with Tom's parents and grandma for them to keep them for the night so I could have a VERY needed girls night. and Riah was snuggled into Nana and Jonah was snuggled into Grandpa and Micah came over and gave me a big hug and then kissed me and said boy germs and repeated LOL he is so funny. They are just such sweet boys.

Micah has started this head tilting thing it's funny and annoying all at the same time cause he talks while he tilts his head back and forth.

Jonah is continuing to talk up a storm and LOVES to talk to daddies pic on my phone, I love it and hate it all at the same time but mostly I am just THRILLED that he's not forgetting who daddy is because of that picture.

Riah is cuddly as ever and he is learning a lot right now. He is learning his ABC's and he was able to find Micah's sticker card at preschool on his own and his too, his teacher and I were VERY impressed. and he's also learning his colors.

I had a rough week as my last post suggested or just flat out said. But at the end of the day I am GRATEFUL that I have my boys to keep me company and keep me on my toes. Tom isn't here but he left me with 3 mini's to take his place for a short while.

I got another letter from Tom. he wrote on tiny notebook paper front and back 12 pages, made my day for him to take that much time to write me :)

I also had a GREAT friend remind me that I don't have to know WHY I'm so upset just that I am and that's enough and I don't have to explain it.

And the girls night with my incredible life group was a huge help too. It's so great to be REAL with friends and just have a good time drinking and pigging out.

God has really given me GREAT and AWESOME people to help me through this rough patch of being away from Tom, I couldn't be more thankful for that.